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Ranu JainRanu Jain 



System.SerializationException: Not Serializable: ApexPages.Message 


i initialze message object as a class variable....what should i have to do to remove this exception?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Try it with later one, actually when you declare a variable at class level, then they become part of view state of the vf page and these Non-Serializables can't go into view state.

All Answers


It is not serialized, you can use it inside a method to add a message on vf page, but it cannot be used as a property.

Ranu JainRanu Jain

ohk i can not use it as a property but can i use it as a class variable and can initialise it as par my requirement....i mean


apex.mas msg;



msg=new apex.mas('message 1');




msg=new apex.mas('messege 2');



or i have to use it in this way??











apex.mas msg =new apex.mas('message 1');




apex.mas msg=new apex.mas('messege 2');




Try it with later one, actually when you declare a variable at class level, then they become part of view state of the vf page and these Non-Serializables can't go into view state.

This was selected as the best answer