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Apex:Flash play attribute not recognized
I'm stumped as to why the play attribute is not being recognized in the apex:flash tag. I have uploaded the static resource as public, but when my Sites page loads, I have to right-click and select Play to see the content.
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" title="About Me" cache="false"> <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.AboutMe, '/swfobject.js')}"/> <apex:flash src="{!URLFOR($Resource.AboutMe, '/module_001-sub_module_001.swf')}" width="100%" height="100%" play="true"/> </apex:page>
Is there a setting that might be interfering with my browsers, IE7 and Chrome?
I have a .html page that appears to automatically play the Flash video but am unable to find the right tag to reference it in the VisualForce page.
Thanks in advance