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Need Help text for Custom Controller



      Can any body help me. I have Some Fields in vfpage with Custom Controller. i need help text for that.Please Help me Out


Thank you



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Abhay AroraAbhay Arora

<span   class="helpButton"><img src="/s.gif" alt=""  class="helpOrb"
           title="{!$ObjectType.OBJECTNAME.Fields.FIELDOFTHATOBJECT.inlineHelpText}" /></span>



just replace the object name with your object name as Account

just replace the FIELDOFTHATOBJECT with your object field as NAME

All Answers


If you wrap the inputfield up in an apex:pageblocksectionitem component, you can specify the helpText attribute on that. There's more information at:



Abhay AroraAbhay Arora

<span   class="helpButton"><img src="/s.gif" alt=""  class="helpOrb"
           title="{!$ObjectType.OBJECTNAME.Fields.FIELDOFTHATOBJECT.inlineHelpText}" /></span>



just replace the object name with your object name as Account

just replace the FIELDOFTHATOBJECT with your object field as NAME

This was selected as the best answer

Thank you Abhay. Thank you very much. 

Abhay AroraAbhay Arora

Hi Raju,


Please mark it as closed if your problem is solved