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Issue on Link in VF Page
Please any one help me out from this issue
i have a custome link in account as below{!API.Session_ID}&serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_80}&id={!Account.Id}&reportid=[Aggregation]00OV0000000JOuI?pv1={!Account.Id}&reportid=[NonAggregation]00OV0000000JOuH?pv1={!Account.Id},[PrimaryRoyalty]00OV0000000JOuF?pv0={!Account.Primary_Royalty_SFDCID__c}&templateid=00PV0000000JIaK&ds4=1&ofn="Statement-International"
now i want to take this link in Visualforce page, please how can i do this i have changed as below but it didnot work,
<a href="{!$API.Session_ID}&serverUrl={!$API.Partner_Server_URL_80}&id={!Account.Id}&reportid=[Aggregation]00OV0000000JOuI?pv1={!Account.Id}&reportid=[NonAggregation]00OV0000000JOuH?pv1={!Account.Id},[PrimaryRoyalty]00OV0000000JOuF?pv0={!Account.Primary_Royalty_SFDCID__c}&templateid=00PV0000000JGP0&ds4=1&ofn='Statement-International'" target="_blank"> Statement - International</a>
<apex:outputLink value="{!API.Session_ID}...." > Statement - International</apex:outputLink>
HI Ritesh,
Thank you for your replay
I try it before but gives error as "Error: Unknown property 'AccountStandardController.API' " while save the page
after that i use sessionid={!$API.Session_ID} , it saved but record did not display anythink
when i run the custome link from the account page layout the below id's are displaing
and when i run the same link in visualforce force page from account page layout below id's are displaying,!
the red marked ids are different, i need the same id in visualforce link as custom link
please let me know how can i solw this problem
Your server URL from your custom link is your regular instance - cs12. Apex runs on a different server - there's really no way around that without hardcoding your URL (which you don't want to do).
You COULD assemble your string in an APEX controller and pass the whole thing back as a variable to the Visualforce page...maybe that would help?
Hi, I had the same issue, where I have to get the custom link from the detail page to my VF page.
The major issue was with session id. I tried passing it from the main page ( thru URL ), queried it from main page, but none worked.
After all this, this is what worked.. the actual link on the detail page itself!!!!
On the detail page, right click, use inspect element (chrome) or firebug, to look at the page. Look for the 'custom link' complete url, starts with '<a href="javascript:openIntegration%28%27%2Fservlet%2Fservlet.......' , copy the whole tag and use it in ur VF page.
This did the trick and hope it does for you..