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Has Spring 12 release affected VF code?
We have a custom app set up on our system with the customer objects Training Events and Enrolments. An enrolment links an Opportunity to a Contact and the training event and appears as a related list on the training event. I have created a few VF pages with Enrolment as the standard controller which are accessed via a custom button on the related list on Training Event page.
The idea is that relevant enrolments are selected and when the VF page is access they can all be edited in one go and the changes saved. IN the last few weeks I am continually receiving the following error message when I click save:
An internal server error has occurred |
An error has occurred while processing your request. The support team has been notified of the problem. If you believe you have additional information that may be of help in reproducing or correcting the error, please contact Salesforce Support. Please indicate the URL of the page you were requesting, any error id shown on this page as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using! Error ID: 166244247-41322 (-259332223) |
This has only started happening recently (around the time Spring 12 was released to our Sandbox) and SFDC seem to be unable to support as is it a developer issue. The code has not been altered at all and still works perfectly in production. Does anyone know if there could be something in Spring 12 whcih is causing this?
The basic code for the pages is as follows:
<apex:page standardController="Enrollment__c" recordSetVar="Enrollments" sidebar="false">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Email/Print Certificates"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save/Send Email" action="{!save}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" />
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Selected Enrollments" columns="1" collapsible="False">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="Enrollment">
<apex:column value="{!}"/>
<apex:column value="{!Enrollment.Delegate_name__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!Enrollment.Booking_status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!Enrollment.Invoice_status__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!Enrollment.Exam_results__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!Enrollment.Exam_percentage__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!Enrollment.Hold_Certificate__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!Enrollment.Certificate_status__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Review PDF/Open to print">
<apex:outputlink target="_blank" value="{!}">review pdf</apex:outputlink> <br/>
<apex:outputlink target="_blank" value="{!}">review pdf no background</apex:outputlink><br/>
<apex:outputlink rendered="{!IF((CONTAINS($Profile.Name, "System")||(CONTAINS($Profile.Name, "Japan"))),TRUE, FALSE)}" target="_blank" value="{!}">Japan certificate (except IRCA)</apex:outputlink><br/>
<apex:outputlink target="_blank" value="{!}">coverletter</apex:outputlink></apex:column>
<apex:column headerValue="Cert Printed?"><apex:inputField value="{!Enrollment.Certificate_Printed__c}"/></apex:column>
<apex:column headerValue="Select PDF Certificates to Email"><apex:inputField value="{!Enrollment.Email_PDF_Certificate__c}"/></apex:column>
Many Thanks for any help anyone can offer on this - I am new to development.
Apparently I can't leave this alone ;) I have our managed package installed in my sandbox, and VF pages have been working correctly there (big sigh) even with the use of the sectionheader tag. The only difference is that we have implemented help on all our VF pages. So, after changing my code from the previous page to include the help attribute in the sectionheader, the page now works correctly.
So, changing this:
<apex:sectionHeader title="Email/Print Certificates" />
to this:
<apex:sectionHeader title="Email/Print Certificates" help="" />
works (for me).
All Answers
Jskin, we have seen very similar (the Error ID you're seeing is different than what we saw) results in the past, not long after the Winter '12 platform release. This affected us on one particular VF page and was an intermittent issue. We have not seen it on a regular basis and have had no recent contact from customers reporting the issue. The last we saw of this was November. When we created a case on this, support had stated that the error was throwing software issues and a log was being sent to escalation. But, because the issue could not be reproduced regularly, the case was closed as 'Feature Req/Bug'. What makes you think this is a developer issue and not a platform issue? Have you contacted Salesforce yet?
Hi NuDev,
Thanks for your comment. It was Salesforce who suggested it was a developer issue when I tried contacting their online support. They did raise a case but also suggested I looked here - in the past they have closed off cases they believe to be developer or code issues as our support does not cover this. I've found the support to be quite slow on occasions so I thought I'd see if anyone else knew of the issue. (A search of the forum didn't bring up anything which completely matched).
The issue has been occuring consistently for the last 2 weeks, I got others to see if they could reproduce it and they can.
If you have the exact code running in your Winter '12 production environment as your Spring '12 sandbox and haven't experienced the issue in production, that's cause for some serious concern IMO, especially if Salesforce is pushing back. I'll see if I can reproduce the issue today in a Spring '12 sandbox and let you know if I can find anything. Good luck, and post back if you find anything further.
If you are getting an internal server error that should automatically be a salesforce issue, even if caused by some error in your code. You said they opened a case... can you give me the case number?
Actually, I just looked up you error id. We are aware of that issue; having a hard time getting a consistently reproducible version that we can debug. But it is being actively worked on .
That's good news. I'm able to reproduce the issue regularly in a Sp'12 sandbox with a simplified version of the VF/Object that Jskin has posted. Let me know if this code would be helpful and I'll paste it in for you. It appears to have something to do with the post-save process, as any changes I make on the objects displayed on the VF page are successfully saved.
Yes, I'd like to see your code that reproduces it. While we have managed to in some cases reproduce it ourselves on sandbox, we have not got consistent results and our test cases work fine on our development systems! Makes it hard to debug.
Setup steps:
1: Create a custom object 'Enrollment'
2: Create fields on object:
- Description (Text 25)
- Opportunity (Lookup to Opportunity)
3: Create VF page 'EnrollmentTest':
4: Create a custom button on 'Enrollment' object.
- Label: Check
- Name: Check
- List Button (Display Checkboxes is checked)
- Behavior: Display in Existing window with sidebar
- Content Source: Visualforce Page.
- Content 'EnrollmentTest'
5: Add Enrollment__c related list to Opportunity layout.
6: Add 'Check' button to related list.
7: Enter one or more Enrollment fields, populating the Description field with whatever...
8: Select all Enrollment records and click 'Check' button.
9: VF page loads, displaying selected Enrollment records.
10: Change 'Description' value of one or more Enrollment records.
11: Click 'Save/Send Email'.
Error occurs here.
Note that I've also tried working around this with an extension controller, which resulted in the same error. My custom 'public PageReference saveIt()' method replaced the standard 'save()' method. Attempts at returning a null from this method along with a new PageReference pointing to the Opportunity were made.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the detailed instructions. As with the other repros we've seen, it works fine on our development environments. sigh.
Yes , It seems Spring'12 has a lots of problem with the Visual Force .
We have some issue with a page , which was running fine before the release.
After the Spring we are getting white screen with the SFDC support error message
We have investigated and got that problem is for apex:sectionheader tag , have logged CASE to the support , but they don't have any clue.
Dinesh Nasipuri
Well it is one problem that a number of people are hitting.
It has nothing to do with sectionHeader. That was incorrect information from support.
Thank you for all the input. Support have been in touch and hopefully having a call with them toady. Fingers crossed they have something good to tell me!
If I remove the SectionHeader or set the rendered attribute to false, the error does not occur, so while it may not be that tag itself that's causing the issue, it appears to be close. Unfortunately I won't be able to continue looking at this today but will help out when I can. Good luck!
Apparently I can't leave this alone ;) I have our managed package installed in my sandbox, and VF pages have been working correctly there (big sigh) even with the use of the sectionheader tag. The only difference is that we have implemented help on all our VF pages. So, after changing my code from the previous page to include the help attribute in the sectionheader, the page now works correctly.
So, changing this:
<apex:sectionHeader title="Email/Print Certificates" />
to this:
<apex:sectionHeader title="Email/Print Certificates" help="" />
works (for me).
This seems to have fixed the issue for me too! There is still obviously something wrong here but I will feed this into my support case as it might help them fix the overall issue. Thanks for all your help.
Did you try adding ot back in to see if the problem comes back? That might confirm that sectionHeader is really part of the problem.
(Maybe there is another issue I don't know about involving sectionHeader. In the one I saw, the only effect of removing sectionHeader was to force the page to be recompiled....)
Yes I added in the " help "" " to the section header code and the problem was resolved. Took it out again and the error page appeared as before. I repeated this a few times and it does seem to be the cause of my issue.
Can you tell me what the "error id" is when it fails? Want to see if it is really the same issue. (And thanks for your help)
It unfortunately the full ID changes each time but the last number is constant (-259332223).
Here are some of the recent ones are:
Error ID: 166244247-41322 (-259332223)
Error ID: 55665691-3383 (-259332223)
Error ID: 141249380-5866 (-259332223)
I get the same:
Error ID: 341053445-1502 (-259332223)
Yep, that is the same issue. Cool. This gives us another lead.... though it is definitely not sectionHeader specific.
Well the issue seems to have resolved itself overnight now without adding in the extra code to the sectionheader. Waiting to hear back from support to understand if SFDC made any changes or found a fix. Still concerned about Spring 12 hitting the production org if they didn't.
Yes, I believe this is now fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience. It was a tough one to track down.
We are having trouble with lookup fields when they are in a jQuery modal dialog. We have an account lookup field that is in a jquery modal dialog. The Account search popup appears as expected, but nothing happens when you click on one of the accounts.
We've been able to track it down to some differences in Main.js
We opened a case, but they've been trying as hard as possible to duck responsibility and say it's our problem... When our org gets upgraded on Friday, our pages are going to be broken.
Anyone else having this issue?