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I want to implement onmouseover functionality in visualforce.
This is swathi,
i want to put some links in vf page with respect to different pageblocksections
If user put the mouse on pageblock section , i want to show the links in side of the side bar and , if user clicks the links it need to be open in iframe ,
I am new to force , please help me asap
I have page like this
<apex:pageblocksection title="PG1">
<apex:commandlink src=""/>
<apex:commandlink src=""/>
If i put the mouse on the PG1 section all the links need to visible and if i clicks the links these need to visible in iframe
Can you please reply me asap . Please.\\
I am trying by this way but not easily getting
Pls refer the following code :
function test()
<apex:pageBlock id="pb">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="PG1" onmouseover="test();" id="pbs">
<apex:outputPanel id="pan" style="display:none;">
<a href="" target="_blank">Hi</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Hii</a>
which is not easily getting in my environment..
please answer me
It seems your javascript funcion has some error
function test()
Also define script in header section
Use HTML and jQuery
Using the rendered attribute (see Standard Component Reference for more info) and AJAX (rerender attribute) to show/hide a output panel on Block layout (see apex:outputPanel ) containing the urls.
Something like this :
You can adjust the PageBlock using CSS (or tables) making it a SideBar.
Try the below code snippet as reference:
----------------- VF Page-------------------
<apex:page controller="cls_onmouseovertest" >
function test()
<apex:pageBlock id="pb">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="PG1" onmouseover="test()" id="pbs">
<apex:outputPanel id="pan" style="display:none;">
<apex:form >
<apex:commandLink value="Hi" action="{!changeurl}" reRender="chk"/><br/>
<apex:commandLink value="Hii" action="{!changeurl1}" reRender="chk"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="chk">
<apex:iframe src="{!displayurl}" scrolling="true" />
-------------------------- Apex Controller -----------------------
public class cls_onmouseovertest
public string displayurl{get;set;}
public cls_onmouseovertest()
public void changeurl()
public void changeurl1()
Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.
Based on above answers i updated likethis my code
Page is like
<apex:page controller="cls_onmouseovertest" sidebar="false">
<apex:form >
<apex:actionFunction name="show" action="{!show}" rerender="pb"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="hide" action="{!hide}" rerender="pb"/>
<td width="200" valign="top">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection id="pb" onmouseover="show()" onmouseout="hide()" title="Refresh Tools" collapsible="false" showHeader="true">
<apex:outputPanel id="panel" rendered="{!isRendered}">
<apex:commandLink value="Google" action="{!google}" reRender="chk"/><br/>
<apex:commandLink value="Service" action="{!Service}" reRender="chk" /><br/>
<apex:outputLink value="" target="_blank">Facebook</apex:outputLink>
<td width="1200">
<apex:outputPanel id="chk">
<apex:iframe src="{!displayurl}" scrolling="true" height="1500" />
Class is
public class cls_onmouseovertest
public boolean isRendered {get; set;}
public void show(){
isRendered = true;
public void hide(){
isRendered = false;
public string displayurl{get;set;}
public cls_onmouseovertest()
public void google()
public void service()
But the out put i am looking something like this
Is it possible like this
You can use that, upload it as Statick resource and then make a reference to it as a script.