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Display Search Results in Visual Force Page

I am a newby to visualforce, but would appreciate a pointer.


I have a field in an object called "Main Tag" that we have on an object. "BizDev__c"

I have a custom visualforce page that is on the layout for that object  "BizDev__c"


We would like to have the visualforce page show the results of a search for the field "main tag" and show the results in a hyperlinked list of things in salesforce.


I can do something similar with a button, but I'd like hte search results to just appear in the visualforce page when it loads.


If someone would quote me a reasonable cost, I could also pay for working code.




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I wrote a blog post covering pretty much this scenario last year - it should be straightforward to adapt to your scenario: