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PageRef redirect to ID not working?

I have a really simple extension to override save behavior - but I can't get it to redirect to the object's lookup relationship record?


Hardcoding the Account__c (lookup ID) seems to work fine. Commenting out the pagereference redirects, and just updating sub works fine too. I'm still pretty new to Apex/Visualforce so what am I missing here?


public class SubmissionExtension {
	private final Submissions__c sub;
	public SubmissionExtension(ApexPages.StandardController sCon) {
    	this.sub = (Submissions__c)sCon.getRecord();
	//Overrides default save method - no redirects (which default save does)
    public PageReference save() {
        update sub;
        PageReference redirect = new PageReference('/' + sub.Account__c);
        //PageReference redirect = new PageReference('/001S000000WPXVR');
        return redirect;


<apex:page standardController="Submissions__c" extensions="SubmissionExtension" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">

<apex:form >
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" frame="border" style="width:100%">
            <td width="98%" height="60px">
                1. TEST<br/>
                <apex:inputTextArea style="width:100%; height:40px;" value="{!Submissions__c.q1e__c}" id="q1e"/></td>
            <td colspan="2">       
                <apex:selectRadio value="{!Submissions__c.q1__c}" layout="lineDirection">
           			<apex:selectoption itemValue="true"></apex:selectoption>
           			<apex:selectoption itemValue="false"></apex:selectoption>


<apex:commandButton value="Save Accord Form" action="{!save}" id="thebutton"/>




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Abhay AroraAbhay Arora

Bascially you need to query for the ID after the below record to get the redirect working.


  ID recordid=(Submission__c)sCon.getRecord().id;

  sub=[select id,account__c from Submision__c where id=:recordid];



    	this.sub = (Submissions__c)sCon.getRecord();

All Answers


The standard controller doesn't populate the entire record - rather it looks at which fields you are using in the page and populates those.   Thus I suspect the account__c field is empty.


Try adding the following to your page - this will populate the field without displaying it:


<apex:outputText value="{!Submissions__c.Account__c}" rendered="false" />


Abhay AroraAbhay Arora

Bascially you need to query for the ID after the below record to get the redirect working.


  ID recordid=(Submission__c)sCon.getRecord().id;

  sub=[select id,account__c from Submision__c where id=:recordid];



    	this.sub = (Submissions__c)sCon.getRecord();
This was selected as the best answer

Thanks all, this makes a lot of sense - Both of your examples helped immensely. Much Apprecaited guys.