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How specify IE specific CSS

hi All,


Can anybody tell us how to make IE specific CSS in the Salesforce environment.

We have tried: conditional comments for IE in the knowledgeHeader.componentf ile, but the CSS does get parsed to the page. It seems to end up just as a comment.


<apex:outputPanel id="ieCSS" layout="block">

  <!--[if IE]>

     <style type='text/css'>

         [id*=header-refresh] { position:absolute; top:21px; left:21px;}





You shouldn't use IE-specific CSS (or ANY specific CSS, the standards should suffice). That said, if you must use such CSS, you have to trick salesforce into emitting the comments... <!-- --> is a comment, and all such comments are reduced to asterisks to hide IP. What you have to do is trick the system into emitting a literal comment character sequence without it realizing it has. You can try using the hack provided by Technical Support: I had also mentioned a hack, but it seems less reliable and/or fixed by now.


Can anyone help on how to correctly use labels?


As per the last solution available in the solution suggested by sfdcfox:


we have attempted to include the labels tag and the outputText tag BUT get the following error when trying to build our tag:


Error: pages/ $Label.SourceCommentLabel does not exist. Check spelling.



The spelling is correct, so it must be something to do with how we are using the labels tag.


Here is out actual code, which we have tried in the head and then in the body of our



<shortDescription>Label that allows you to include comments in the rendered source.</shortDescription>
<value>&lt;!--[if IE9]&gt; {0} &lt;![endif]--&gt;</value>

<apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!$Label.SourceCommentLabel}">
<apex:param value="{!$Page.knowledgeRefreshCssIE9}"/> </apex:outputText>


We have also reviewed the Salesforce Dev Docs to get more insight, but nothing except that labels can be a global variable.