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Avoid redirect to ... While accessing VF



I am trying to do a $.get() method (jquery) to retrieve the source code of a visualforce.


If I use the code while I'm in the domain it works fine.

BUT If I use the code while I'm in a standard page (domain ) I get a redirect message and my code fails.


What leads me to the following questions.

- Is there any way to load a visualforce avoiding the redirect to the domain ?

- or... Is there any way to send session information to let it load properly?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

1} No.

2) This is an XSS issue. You'll need to use SOA proxy to reach the VF domain; this design was intentional to prevent rogue XSS attacks in Visualforce from reaching the instance server and doing unjust harm.

All Answers


1} No.

2) This is an XSS issue. You'll need to use SOA proxy to reach the VF domain; this design was intentional to prevent rogue XSS attacks in Visualforce from reaching the instance server and doing unjust harm.

This was selected as the best answer

Not the answer I was expecting, but is an answer. I'll mark it as solution.

