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renderAs: .pdf - Arial Unicode MS bold?

Hello everybody,


while trying to render a page as .pdf, I tried to use font-family: Arial Unicode MS with font-weight: bold.

That did not work. So I did first things first: google told me that it is simply not possible to do that.


Ofcourse I also used documentation and found this:


So, Arial Unicode MS with font-weight: bold is used right in the doc. So what am I doing wrong, it is absolutely not working for me.


body {
            font-family:Arial Unicode MS;

// First way I tried it 

body {
            font-family:Arial Unicode MS;  
div.content {

// Second way I tried





Did you manage to find a solution to this?


I know this is an old topic, but I had a little bit of info to add.  1)  Looking at the example in the link you provided, it appears that even though they're giving it a bold weight, the text isn't bold in their example either.  2) You can get bold by using sans-serif instead of Arial Unicode MS.  The font isn't as nice looking, but I haven't found an alternative solution either.
Petr ChvalaPetr Chvala
There is no solution for this. Salesforce is really limited with available fonts (actually whole PDF generation is really limited due to supported CSS - 2.1.). If you write in english, you are lucky and you may use other supported fonts whrere bold is available. Unfortunately, only font Arial Unicode MS can handle special chars like "žýžřččšěí", but no bold.

This is really shame, try to explain customer, that we do not support bold in 2016 for latin!!!!