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replica of case and case comment objects



       Can any body help on this.


 I want to create replica of case and case comment objects. i.e when i have entered record in case copied to  Custom case object and any record created on case comment object then copy record to custom Case comment object.


Every thing is working fine. 



But i can't able to access Internal comments field in Case Can any body help me on this




You can't query this field because it is not in standard salesforce API but you can see this field under field section on case object


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 



What exactly i want to do is this



I want to create replica of case and case comment objects. i.e when i have entered record in case copied to  Custom case object and any record created on case comment object then copy record to custom Case comment object.



How can I


Please any one give me solution