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in a visual source page to application tab
i made a new application and a tab inside that how do i attach a visual source page to the tab.
Like i have made an page called ma and i created another application i craeted a tab there.
How do i attach the page to the tab there
Check out this developerforce article:
All Answers
When you create the tab you specify that it is a visualforce tab and define the page as the content.
i created an application as you said and is working fine.heartfelt Thanks .
but how how do i upload the new application into salesforce application exchange
Check out this developerforce article:
One more problem i in my application.i have login validation checks on loading some credentials.
and goes to a diffrent page using pagerefrence.but it is going to a refrence page but it shows the home page in a diifferent application
Login default i have given in an app called DL. in that i redirected to another page .The message "You do not have a valid login" comes from that login.But it is standing in the home page of a different application in ""
What is the address of the page you redirect the user to?
I want 2 pages under one tab,in my case,when I am clicking on my application,then the resulting page is coming under the home tab of some other default salesforce application.
public class Login{
public PageReference redirect() {
PageReference pr;
Integer total_records;
String email_login;
Http httpProtocol ;
httpProtocol = new Http();
HttpRequest request;
request = new HttpRequest();
String endpoint ;
endpoint = 'http:///Services/validate_user_login.php?id='+email_login;
HttpResponse response;
response = makeCallout(request);
JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(response.getBody());
while (parser.nextToken() != null)
if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME) && (parser.getText() == 'total_records'))
if( total_records>0)
return Page.welcome_login;
return Page.loginfailure;
<apex:page >
<h1> Welcome</h1>
<apex:page >
You do not have a valid account on <a id="theLink" name="theLink" href=""></a>. Please contact the folks at Decisionlink for further assistance</h1>
So is it that the type styling is not what you are looking for?
that was not my intent. I have given a page on tab on load of this based on some authentication it redirect to 2 pages say valid_page or invalid_page (these are not under any tabs). what is happening is that the values of right page are coming( in the display part) but the application in the drop down is getting changed and the tabs that correspond to the new application are coming . deafault tab of the new application is highlighted and in the display part the values of the valid_page or invalid_page are coming(This correct). But what is not correct is the new application that is displayed on the drop down and the tabs that are coming (new tabs are the tabs for the new Application in drop down). The application list should not change.
That sounds like the new tab is only available on your new application. If you don't want this selected, it needs to be in all other applications too.
I had created one App named as "DL",and I have one custom tab named as "Login",this is my landing tab,and the VF page for this tab is
<apex:page controller="Login" action="{!redirect}">
Here I am checking that user is valid or not,if valid it should go to
<apex:page >
<h1> Welcome</h1>
if user is invalid,then it should go to
<apex:page >
You do not have a valid account on <a id="theLink" name="theLink" href=""></a>. Please contact the folks at Decisionlink for further assistance</h1>
In my case resulting page is displaying in the home tab of some other application and not under under my app "DL",So how can I solve this problem.
How does the user access that tab - if it is enabled for them I don't think you'll be able to force the selection of a different application. For example, I don't have opportunities in the call center application, but if I go to all tabs and select opportunities that tab opens but the application remains as call center (and no tab is highlighted).
In my case,when i am opening my app the resulting page is displaying inside the home tab of some other application,not inside my app.
How can we display more than one VF page under one custom tab of my app?
Is it that your visualforce page contains another set of headers and sidebar?
I don't understand your problem then. Can you restate it?
Can we add more than one page under one tab?
Yes - you can have additional pages in iframes.
How?can u give me some reference?
You just have something like:
Full details of the apex:iframe component are at:
How can I add VF pages to custom tab?
This was covered right at the beginning of this thread - you create a visualforce tab.