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Custom Visualforce App with no header
We need to build an all custom Visualforce application that should not display the tabed header that also includes the logo, the setup menu, app dropdown as well as the tabs.
We can easily remove these by setting showHeader="false" in the VF page. However, once you get into a page that does not have any of those options, how do you navigate your admin users to the Setup menu or how do you log users out?
There are very nice example custom applications showcased but I don't know if they are practical apps or they are just for demo purposes and these critical details are missing. Any input will help.
You can add a button or link on the page and rerender it to Setup Menu.
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When you say rerender it to Setup Menu, is there a way to do this via the API or do you mean we take the links from the menu and use those? What if Salesforce decides to change those menu links?
Given me this issue, here will be my solution:
Write a standalone custom visualforce page component, and refer it to other visualforce pages, this component will include the basic functions (say logout), and we can reuse them by refer it to the standard link
In case some day in the future salesforce make any changes for them, i just need to change the link i refer to.
To simply demonstrate, try this:
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<apex:outputLink value="/secur/logout.jsp">Logout</apex:outputLink>
When access the link to " logout.jsp" , system will call the standard logout service.
Hope this will be hopeful