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Anto HotelbedsAnto Hotelbeds 

Visualforce and Mobile Solution


We are developing salesforce using Visualforce for accounts and leads tabs.

We would like our Sales Managers to use Ipads and Iphones to log into accounts and leads, see the information, log follow-ups....We tried to see the developments done with Visualforce with the application for Iphone but we just see the default fields, none of the developments with visualforce are shown.

Could you please indicate me how to solve this?

Thanks a lot,



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

did you mean you did override the New, View, Edit, etc. buttons with your own VF page?


I'm sure it has been explicitly written in the documentation, that in Salesforce Connect or Salesforce mobile, it works in default behavior, i.e. will not use VF page even if overriden.

All Answers


did you mean you did override the New, View, Edit, etc. buttons with your own VF page?


I'm sure it has been explicitly written in the documentation, that in Salesforce Connect or Salesforce mobile, it works in default behavior, i.e. will not use VF page even if overriden.

This was selected as the best answer
Anto HotelbedsAnto Hotelbeds

And is it possible to override the page only when not accessing from mobile?


Is it possible to apply visualforce to mobile editions?Does it require a concrete development of the mobile edition?



