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How to set default on checkbox

I Have a checkbox that the default checked is set in the object. I created a visualforce page with the checkbox. But when i hit the new button it is not checked. How do i make the default value checked. Thanks


<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!Debt_Info__c.Round_Payment__c}" />



Use selected attribute like 



<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!Debt_Info__c.Round_Payment__c}" selected ="true"/>

That works if its new, but what if its on edit, even though its false it still comes up checked.

Chamil MadusankaChamil Madusanka

If it is your field's data type is Check box, You can assign the default value at the creating of the field. Then use apex:inputField in VF page.


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Meer SalmanMeer Salman

Have you used any controller or extension?? If yes then you can pass the default value for the checkbox in the constrcutor. And in the vfpage use your code it will work fine.