Hi Prazon, Here is the solution for grouping all checkboxes as radiobutton:-
Visualforce page:- <apex:page> <head> <script> function cbclick(e){ e = e || event; var cb = e.target; cb.setAttribute('id', Math.floor(Math.random()*100));
var cbxs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'), i=cbxs.length; console.log(cbxs); console.log('SELECTED_CB_ID' + cb.id);
If you do not need radio buttons then why would you need to use a checkbox as a radio button???
Only differenct in your statement is they style of filled in circle vs square with checkmark. You are still asking for a radio button
because there are some existing functionality which should remain intact associated with it
Please make it more clear, where and how do you want to use checkbox?
I should be able to check only one checkbox at a time..simple
Have you created your own visualforce page? If you have your own visualforce page than you can do something like this.
Here is the solution for grouping all checkboxes as radiobutton:-
Visualforce page:-
function cbclick(e){
e = e || event;
var cb = e.target;
cb.setAttribute('id', Math.floor(Math.random()*100));
var cbxs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'), i=cbxs.length;
console.log('SELECTED_CB_ID' + cb.id);
while(i--) {
if (cbxs[i].id == cb.id) {
cbxs[i].checked = true;
cbxs[i].checked = false;
<div class="slds-form-element__control ">
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!HTC.Default__c}" styleClass="slds-checkbox" style="width: 60%;" id="default" onclick="cbclick(event)"/>
Deepak :)