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Meer SalmanMeer Salman 

output link value?



This is a bit complicated issue so let me write in steps:


1) I created a Custom Object and overide its Detail View and New page by my own VFPages.


2) I wanted to have another header tab for the same object so I created a VFPage and add it as a tab by name 'Payment Journal'. It is as similar as the default tab layout of the custom object, however there are few changes.


3) In 'Payment Journal' Tab I have a pagetable in which some particular records are shown with their 'Name' in outputlink tag.


4) I want to show another VFPage for Detail Veiw when the outputlink is clicked.


5) I guess this can be done by giving the value to output link but I am not exactly getting how to give a value in this case.


NOTE: Remember I already have overidden the Detail Veiw thus, there are two Detail Veiw pages.


Hope it is clear now, Please help me in this I shall be very thankful.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Meer SalmanMeer Salman

It was a bit simple all what to do is simply put the URL

<apex:outputlink action="paste the link here with Page Name?{!accs.Id}&sfdc.override=1">{!accs.Name}</apex:outputlink >

All Answers


Hi Meer,


You can try the following:


<apex:page controller="SampleController">
<apex:form >
<apex:dataList value="{!accList}" var="accs">
<apex:commandLink action="/{!accs.Id}" value="{!accs.Name}"/> --- This renders the account Name as link and on click of the Name user will be redirected to the corresponding Account detail page.


Hope this helps.





Meer SalmanMeer Salman

No dude this is not what I want. I know what are you saying but its not the right answer.

Meer SalmanMeer Salman

It was a bit simple all what to do is simply put the URL

<apex:outputlink action="paste the link here with Page Name?{!accs.Id}&sfdc.override=1">{!accs.Name}</apex:outputlink >

This was selected as the best answer