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Meer SalmanMeer Salman 

Setting property from VFPage



I have a Controller in which i have a property as following:


public class test


public string mystr {get; set;}



I have a VFPage for this controller now I want to set the property on the click event of outputlink how can I set the property? I know how to get the value fromt he property but I am a bit confuse in setting a property via VFPage.


<apex:page controller = 'test'>


<apex:outputlink value="xyz" onclick???>Meer</outputlink>






Meer Salman

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

try like this. u need to replace the value in param tag...


<apex:page controller = "test">
<apex:outputlink value="xyz">Meer

<apex:param assignTo="{!mystr}" value="need to fill the respective property"/>

All Answers


try like this. u need to replace the value in param tag...


<apex:page controller = "test">
<apex:outputlink value="xyz">Meer

<apex:param assignTo="{!mystr}" value="need to fill the respective property"/>

This was selected as the best answer


Try the below code snippet as reference:

--------------- Vf page-----------------

<apex:page controller="test">


function chkfun(val)







<apex:form >


<apex:outputLink value="" onclick="chkfun(this)" >abc </Apex:outputLink>

<apex:actionFunction name="assignvalue" action="{!getvalue}"><apex:param value="" assignTo="{!mystr}" name="assignvalue"/> </apex:actionFunction>






------------- Apex controller-------------

public class test




public string mystr{get; set;}

public void getvalue()







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