function readOnly(count){ }
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how to put an image in a vfpage.?
use <apex:image> tag
thnak u.but i need how to put image on that .i mean tosay syntax for these.if i have an image in my pc hot to put in that.and i have an image in my library how to put it that.pls clarify..
Also, how do you get rid of all the data that gets logged into the Activity History when you send an email w/ an image?
use <apex:image> tag
thnak u.but i need how to put image on that .i mean tosay syntax for these.if i have an image in my pc hot to put in that.and i have an image in my library how to put it that.pls clarify..
Also, how do you get rid of all the data that gets logged into the Activity History when you send an email w/ an image?