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EZ VF page: OK: Firefox/Chrome; fails: IE8

Here is VF page Foo at V26.0:

<apex:page >
  This is your new Page

 If you go to the browser address bar and type URL:


Windows 7

  • Firefox - page displays successfully
  • Chrome - page displays successfully
  • IE8 8.0.7601.17514 - 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage'

Mac OS X

  • Firefox - page displays successfully
  • Safari - page displays successfully


If I create the identical VF page in a different sandbox (, the page displays successfully in IE 8 (!?!)


My production users are also experiencing similar issues using IE - various VF pages in na5 WILL NOT display in IE but WILL display in Firefox/Chrome


  • Clearing cache/cookies in IE has no effect
  • Private browsing in IE 8 (which disables all extensions and add-ons) has no effect on the result
  • Resetting IE settings to defaults had no effect
  • Accessing through company VPN and not through company VPN had no effect


I'm very puzzled here as the VF page is bog standard; works in Firefox/Chrome/Safari; I have IE 8 (Windows 7) configured to defaults

  • page display successfully in cs7 IE8
  • page fails to display in cs12 IE8

Both sandboxes have the same Winter 13 critical update enabled so AFAIK, sandboxes are identical (both at Winter 13)



Leslie LinardLeslie Linard

I am noticing a similar, perhaps the same, problem.  I get the error in IE9 when trying to browse to any content on *, but not content on *


I am betting that your page is actually redirecting you to and is the same reason it is failing for me.


Try changing your url to and see if that works correctly.  I'm betting it does along with any other content hosted on *, but content on * will all fail.


This was working fine for me just yesterday in both IE9 and Chrome 22.0.  I have checked DNS, browser caching, cookies, form data, compatibility modes, browser/document modes, no addons mode, and network tracing.  IE9 reports the request as (aborted) in the developer console Network trace.



Leslie -- glad to know I'm not alone here.


You are correct about the redirect


In attempting to narrow down the issue, an interesting issue arose wherein when I attempted to login to my production org using IE8 (I always used Firefox before), I got this error at login:


'You have attempted to access a page that requires a login. If you are already a user of the system, please login below'


The SFDC solution for this is listed here:, especially the last paragraph.


At our corporate site, I don't have the ability to see the trusted sites nor edit nor uncheck 'protected mode' so I'm waiting on our server security team for an experiment. However, the SFDC post hints that IE8 access could be an issue, so I'm hypothesizing this could affect redirecting from to