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Sujan Kumar ReddySujan Kumar Reddy 

Can we replace Salesforce home page with our custom Visualforce page?



Can we replace the standard salesforce home page with our own custom Visualforce page? can anybody answer for me please..




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi There is no way to do it


If  you want this just create custom VF Tab with the name of Home

Then replace tab instead of Standard Home tab.

All Answers


Hi There is no way to do it


If  you want this just create custom VF Tab with the name of Home

Then replace tab instead of Standard Home tab.

This was selected as the best answer
Sujan Kumar ReddySujan Kumar Reddy

Thank you Premnath..



thanks for your suggestion.i had already created custome vf tab with the name" Home" but i dont no how to replace the standard homepage tab with custome vf tab.can you tell me plz how to replace it.




Sorry for that there is no way to replace the Home tab.


You can't completely replace it, without replacing the whole salesforce tab bar. But you can  create a custom component for the homepage, of type HTML, and put an iframe in that displays your visualforce page.


Then change your home page layout to remove all the other components you do not require. In theory your VF page could contain some JS to hide the parent window panels, but I don't recommend this.



Unfortunately you cant hide the home page or replace the Home page. You can customize the home page to a great degree and you can view the level of  partner portal customization on home page  . If you need further clarification you can email me at


Jason OrbisonJason Orbison
There is a way to do this. Like others have said, when you create a hack, there are some risks that it may not work in the future and it may not be nearly as clean as it should be. 

You will need to create a VF page first. Then on that page, you will call your Javasrcript libraries and using java script to redirect the page to your custom home page URL. 

the code is below. you have to redirect the parent as SFDC uses home page components as  children windows. = "/apex/mycustomhomepage"; 

replace mycustomhomepage with your custom pages name. I tested this and it works but there is a split second that you can see the original page. Not elegant but it does work.