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Ankit Singhal
Creating a dropdown on Visualforce Page with values as Users.
Hi Everyone,
I need to create a dropdown field on Visualforce page which should display the list of Users based on a query.
Then I need to use the chosen value in my Controller.
How to achieve this??
Plz help its urgent
Hi Ankit,
Try following code
Visualforce page
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Hi Ankit
I wish this code should be helpfull for you.
Your apex visual force Page
<apex:page controller="userController">
<apex:OutputPanel >
<apex:selectList value="{!selecteduserId}" size="1" multiselect="false" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!ListOfUser}" />
Apex class code:-
public with sharing class userController
//This variable hold the id of user which is selected by enduser from picklist
public String selecteduserId {set;get;}
//This var hold List of user
public List<SelectOption> getListOfUser()
List<User> Users = [select id ,Username,name from user] ;
List<SelectOption> UserOptionList = new List<SelectOption>();
UserOptionList .add(new SelectOption( ' ' ,'---Select---'));
for(User u : Users )
UserOptionList .add(new SelectOption(u.Id , u.Name));
retrun UserOptionList ;
public userController()
selecteduserId ='';
i want to give input to sheduler through visulaforce page by dropdownlist, any one can calp me,