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apex:facet tag is not working

I am trying to get records on click of a button but after clicking on that button i am using this code



 <apex:actionStatus id="mystatus" startText=" (Searching for account....)">
            <apex:facet name="start">
             <apex:image value="{!$Resource.AjaxAnimation}"/>
          <!-- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
             <FONT COLOR="black" SIZE="1"><b><i>Searching for account....</i></b></FONT> -->


and i am using id mystatus in the command button but i am not getting the message "Searching for account...." ALONG WITH THE IMAGE THATS why i commented it if i will uncomment it i will not get the image but i will get the message..................................can anyone suggest me some sollution to this.plz its urgent.


The facet parses each element and displays only the final element. To make the image appear, you have to do this:


<apex:facet name="start">
 <apex:image value="{!$Resource.AjaxAnimation}"/>
             <FONT COLOR="black" SIZE="1"><b><i>Searching for account....</i></b></FONT>
