function readOnly(count){ }
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i want to give a different colors to the every field in visualforce page can u help me
In salesforce some apex:component have style attribute .you can specify the inline css by using the style attribute of the apex:compenent.
Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.
In order to achieve that please use "Style" or "StyleClass" attribute in that field as shown below
Using Style
<apex:outputText value="Blah Blah ..... " rendered="{!budgetSumSet}" style="font:size=18;">
Using StyleClass
<apex:outputText value="Blah Blah ..... " rendered="{!budgetSumSet}" styleClass="p">
Add this one on top
<style type="text/css">.p{ color:blue; text-align:left; font-size:1.4em;}</style>
In salesforce some apex:component have style attribute .you can specify the inline css by using the style attribute of the apex:compenent.
Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved.
In order to achieve that please use "Style" or "StyleClass" attribute in that field as shown below
Using Style
<apex:outputText value="Blah Blah ..... " rendered="{!budgetSumSet}" style="font:size=18;">
Using StyleClass
<apex:outputText value="Blah Blah ..... " rendered="{!budgetSumSet}" styleClass="p">
Add this one on top
<style type="text/css">