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How to render Label, field and button in one line?

Here is a requrement from client: 



In one line I need: field name, filed itself, and button.

This must be fitted inside one column of: <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" >


So I came up with this:


<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:inputField label="Activation Counter" id="activationCounter" value="{!object.field__c}"/>
    <apex:commandButton value="Reset"/>

 which results in missing label:


So I wanted to add field label like this:


<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Activation Counter" for="activationCounter"/>
    <apex:inputField label="Activation Counter" id="activationCounter" value="{!object.field__c}"/>
    <apex:commandButton value="Reset"/>

 an now getting error:


Error: <apex:pageBlockSectionItem> may have no more than 2 child components


Is there a way to get it working together?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Try the following

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Activation Counter" for="activationCounter"/>
    <apex:outputPanel layout="block">
        <apex:inputField label="Activation Counter" id="activationCounter" value="{!object.field__c}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Reset"/>

 This way, pageblocksectionitem has two children and you have your three components.


All Answers


Try the following

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Activation Counter" for="activationCounter"/>
    <apex:outputPanel layout="block">
        <apex:inputField label="Activation Counter" id="activationCounter" value="{!object.field__c}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Reset"/>

 This way, pageblocksectionitem has two children and you have your three components.


This was selected as the best answer

Nice workaround. Thank you.

Thank you @[SeAlVa], excelent answer, so  clear.
Thanks @SeAIVa. its worked for me.