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Changing Jeff Douglas' Dynamic Search to Button Click
Hats off to Jeff Douglas for this wonderful piece of work. I've use it successfully more or less as is.
I now have a search that really needs to be button driven, partly from a combo of fast typing and huge amount of data.
It seemed to me that "all I had to do" was:
- Create a button with onclick="doSearch();"
- Remove onkeyup="doSearch();" from the search criteria fields
- fill the fields and click the button
Clearly not. I have gotten mixed results. The search doesn't happen. Sometimes it appears that the page is re-entered after the search is done and the page is rendered. That is,
- fill the fields and click the button
- Page is rerendered
- Page is rerendered again
I can see this in the logs. The soql string has the search parameters: "and Contributor__r.firstname LIKE 'ag%"
Moreover, if I have a "mixed" page with the button and the onkeyups the search works.
Any experience with changing Jeff's code to button click? Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance... Bob
I'm having the same issue. Due to the delay of the search, It would be useful if the action just worked after a click on a button.
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