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Custom Fields with SF styling

I have a scenario where I need custom fields within my custom visualforce page that cannot be generated using <apex:inputField>.  Here's a look at the code (devoid of spaces, for some reason):


<apex:pageBlockSectiontitle="Event Date and Time"id="dateSection">





























You get the idea.  It's a date.  It has a Date text field, and an Hour, Minue, and AM/PM selectList field.


I want to make it look like standard salesforce, within a pageBlockSection.  However, this makes the whole page blow up.  I tried to make the pageBlockSection tag empty and manually create the fields within a table that I made myself using the SF class names on the cells, but then the whole following section disappears in FF and IE.  I can't put them into a pageBlockSectionItem, because it complains that pageBlockSectionItem can only have 2 child elements.


Does this make any sense?  Anybody have any clues?

Rakesh Aggarwal.ax1406Rakesh Aggarwal.ax1406

Try this : 


<apex:pageBlockSectiontitle="Event Date and Time"id="dateSection">































If this work for you, mark this as solved.



Rakesh Aggarwal
