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Dynamic Picklist value to display record on click of Picklist value
I have created an dynamic Picklist
I have four value in Picklist
Picklist value A
Picklist value B
Picklist value c
Picklist value D
.Each Picklist value Has some record when i click on that Picklist value it must excute display that records onthe Page
Please Help Me to resolve it
thanks in advnace
You mean onchange of picklist
if yes
<apex:selectList value="{!chosen1}" onchange="function();">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="function" action="{!Search}" />
Then it calls a method in apex
public string chosen1{get;set;} // it gives selected pick list value
public void search(){
// Write your code // Query getting records
//then Use page block table return all you want the records
I have Tried has told But am getting null value into the chosen1 so i cannot Perform another Operation
can u please help me to solve myproblem
The pick-list return from class like this Right
public List<SelectOption> getItems() {
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
options.add(new SelectOption('US1','US'));
options.add(new SelectOption('CANADA1','Canada'));
options.add(new SelectOption('MEXICO1','Mexico'));
return options;
You must and sholud get the value on change --> US1, CANADA1 , MEXICO1
Do one thing on page load means on Construcor also write
chosen1='US1'; It is default.
I have used that pick list value in so many cases it must gives the value
It doesn't give null value i am sure ..
May be your doing some mistake things
You can correct them
I am Not adding the dynamically .here into the Picklist value are cmg from the Response on http request
so it nt cmg i think .can u suggest me another way
I don't think so about Http Request
I think you are geeting that field from class only Right?
Schema.DescribeFieldResult dfield=fieldMap.get(pickfldvals).getDescribe();
Here also i think you get that value, I have used in this requirement also By using Map
But Http Request Means i don't know
No am getting these value from s3 is response.
I have kept the Response in a picklist .
Now when i select one value.
the select value Pass to the another Request and then it generate an output
thanks in advance