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Centering Text Inside Background Image in Visualforce Email PDF Attachment

Hello - I'm trying to dynamically center apex:OutputPanel text that I'm laying on top of a background image for a Visualforce2PDF Email Template. The majority of the Visualforce gets rendered as a PDF attachment. I'm able to get the image to stretch to its full size, but I'm (so far) unable to get the text centered.


I would appreciate any help in figuring this out.





My VF Email template code:


<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Your Completed ACME Fire Proteciton Products Training Certificate:{!relatedTo.Course__c}" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Enrollment__c">
  <messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
        Dear {!},
        Congratulations for successfully completing the ACME Fire Protection {!relatedTo.Course__c} course. Please see your Certificate of Completion attached to this message.

        John Doe
        ACME Fire Protection Products
        Director, Technical Services and Training
  <messaging:attachment renderAs="PDF" filename="{!relatedTo.Name}">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script>
    <script src="/soap/ajax/11.1/connection.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript">
        function init() {
                sforce.connection.sessionId = '{!$Api.Session_ID}';
    @page {
    /* Landscape orientation */
    body {
    background-size:976px 689px;

    #BackgroundImage {
        width: 976px;
        height: 689px;
        border-style: none;
        background-image: url('{!URLFOR($Resource.TycoFPTrainingCertbackgroundimage)}');
    #Text {
        text-align: center;
    .stretch {
    .largeBoldFont { font-weight:bold; font-size:24px; }
    .normalFont { font-weight:normal; font-size:12px; }
    .mediumBoldFont { font-weight:bold; font-size:18px; }
    .normalBoldFont { font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; }


  <body onload="init();">
  <div id="BackgroundImage">
    <div id="Text">
      <apex:outputPanel >
        <apex:panelGroup >
          <p><apex:outputText value="We Hereby confirm that" styleclass="normalFont"/></p>
          <p><apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Contact__r.FirstName}" styleclass="largeBoldFont"/> <apex:outputText value=" "/> <apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Contact__r.LastName}" styleclass="largeBoldFont"/></p>
          <p><apex:outputText value="has completed the training program" styleclass="normalFont"/></p>
          <p><apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Course__c}" styleclass="largeBoldFont"/> <apex:outputText value=" - " styleclass="largeFont"/> <apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Class_Number__c}" styleclass="largeBoldFont"/></p>
          <p><apex:outputText value="on this day " styleclass="normalFont"/><apex:outputText value="{!Day(relatedTo.Date_Certified__c)}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/><apex:outputText value=" of this month " styleclass="normalFont"/><apex:outputText value="{!Month(relatedTo.Date_Certified__c)}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/><apex:outputText value=" of this year " styleclass="normalFont"/><apex:outputText value="{!Year(relatedTo.Date_Certified__c)}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/> <apex:outputText value=" and has been awarded a total of " styleclass="normalFont"/><apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Hours__c}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/><apex:outputText value=" Contact Hour(s)." styleclass="normalFont"/></p>
          <p><apex:outputText value="This is an authorization to " styleclass="normalFont"/> <apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Certificate_Activity__c}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/><apex:outputText value=" for " styleclass="normalFont"/><apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Course__c}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/><br/>
          <apex:outputText value="as a Distributor of " styleclass="normalFont"/><apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.Class__r.Course__r.Brand__c}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/><apex:outputText value=" - Contract NO. " styleclass="normalFont"/> <apex:outputText value="{!relatedTo.TFPP_Contract__r.Name}" styleclass="normalBoldFont"/><br/>
          <apex:outputText value="This authorization expires three years from the date of training described above." styleclass="normalFont"/></p>



Jay EcklesJay Eckles

I have found that using JQuery to find the DOM element and then setting its style can do the trick.




Thanks for your reply. Do you have an example of how I would code/mark this up in this context or any guidance you can provide.


