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Uday KUday K 

IFrame Issue

I am using iframe and giving vf page in that.In the vf page when when i am clicking to the save button it is going to the another page.but is calling the reference page in the i frame.How can i close the window which is containing the iframe and the open the referenced page in new tab.


<apex:page >

    <apex:form >
         <apex:commandButton value="Close" onclick=""/>





Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Saravanan @CreationSaravanan @Creation

Hai Uday,


try to use this blow value on the onclick attributre



And also try using instead 'onclick' to 'oncompleate' attribute with same above value.



All Answers


Hi Uday,


First open the new window you want to open with followed syntax'page reference','_blank');

 After opening your required window close the iframe window by "window.close();"


So finally onclick you need to code as followed.'page reference','_blank');


Give a try on this, let me know in case of any concerns you face.

Saravanan @CreationSaravanan @Creation

Hai Uday,


try to use this blow value on the onclick attributre



And also try using instead 'onclick' to 'oncompleate' attribute with same above value.



This was selected as the best answer
Uday KUday K

Thanks everybody. its working with the following code.


onclick="'','_blank');window.parent.close();"  oncomplete="window.close()". 


But i want the window to be closed after 5 min. can someone suggest.


