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Everton CP7
Rerender onchange
Hi there,
My field "Motivo" it's a picklist field. And the options that I have in there depends Record Type.
I'm trying to select the Record Type = Cobrança and rerender the page.
In that way my options in field "Motivo" will appear to select.
So, I tried this code and I don't know what I have to do to put this in work
<apex:selectList value="{!case.RecordTypeId}" size="1" > <apex:selectOptions value="{!Cobrança}"/> <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="{!case.motivo__c}"/> </apex:selectList>
Please someone help me.
Everton Szekeres
CP7 Marketing
rerender is expecting a Visualforce Page Id. Like in your second example, you have to provide the Id of the element you want to rerender. You might need to provide the Id of a parent element in order to rerender a child object, depending on how you built your page.
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Using another code I could do what I want.
I will show here for future doubts of someone.
But I still need another thing.
As I told. My field "Motivo" it's a pick list field.
And when I select a determinated option. I need some fields appears to me.
How I add this determinated fields when I select a determinated option in my field "Motivo"?
Thanks for help,
rerender is expecting a Visualforce Page Id. Like in your second example, you have to provide the Id of the element you want to rerender. You might need to provide the Id of a parent element in order to rerender a child object, depending on how you built your page.
Thanks for help Chris.
I tried this:
But I need to apply "on change".
Can you help me?
Thanks again.
I change the code.
I put an ID and follow pratically the same thing from the first code that I did.
Thank you so much Chris !