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salesforce site ssl error.

Hi guys,


I have a public checkout site in salesforce. And sometimes I recieve feedbacks from our customer that they got ssl error while visiting this page. The error is an SSL certificate issued error and I don;t how to deal with it. Caould anybody give me some advices to get rid of it? Thanks.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

https://<yourdomain> goes with your Site out of the box.

It is up to you whether you want to use it or not and how you redirect.


How do users get to the part of your site which cause ssl error?

If they click a link or your Visualforce controller redirects to that page - make sure it that lnk or redirect leads to something like https://<yourdomain> version.

Also make sure that are no links or redirects that use HTTPS but do not use https://<yourdomain>


If you have not already read docs below then you could check for more information this:

and this

All Answers


Two most probable potential reasons:


1. https:// url is not on * domain

this may happen when you use your own domain or forget to redirect to https://<yourdomain> when switch from HTTP to HTTPS


2.Less likely: user may have specific device/browser config or going through a proxy which does not have CA used by SFDC on the list of trusted

But this would result in HTTPS version of your site always looking untrusted and not just an ocasional SSL error.


How to change the domain to or redirect it?


https://<yourdomain> goes with your Site out of the box.

It is up to you whether you want to use it or not and how you redirect.


How do users get to the part of your site which cause ssl error?

If they click a link or your Visualforce controller redirects to that page - make sure it that lnk or redirect leads to something like https://<yourdomain> version.

Also make sure that are no links or redirects that use HTTPS but do not use https://<yourdomain>


If you have not already read docs below then you could check for more information this:

and this

This was selected as the best answer

I just fixed the problem by changing the link from "https" to "http". I know this is not the perfect solution, but it is the quickest since the page is a checkout page we are using. Thank you for the help.

Vijaya Kumar RegantiVijaya Kumar Reganti

how to change it http:// from https://