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Empty page after JQM form submitted

I have a simple VF page using jQueryMobile, in commandAction, save form data and redirect to thank-you page.  However forum submission ends with blank page. From fiddler I can see the actual respond to form post has the following JavaScript:


if(window.location.replace){ window.location.replace('/ThankYou') } else { window.location.href='/ThankYou'; }


The redirect JavaScript did not execute.  Did I miss anything? can anyone shed some light?


in the commandAction, after save form data, I did:

PageReference np = new PageReference('/ThankYou');
np.setRedirect(true); //tried false, same deal
return np;
Made a few changes:
<script>function SayThankYou(){
<apex:commandButton value="Submit" action="{!saveFormData}" onclick="SayThankYou()" />

public PageReference saveFormData(){
//Save... INSERT...
return null;
Now ThankYou page shows first, then goes blank, the HTML source shows that it's the form page; however the page is blank. Must JQM navigation issue, what did I miss?