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Need to access a Master object field from a Child controller in Visualpage



I am new to SF development and I am trying to achieve below, hope someone can help.


Master object is "Product"

Child object is "Product_item"


I plan to create a VP page to generate pdf file, and create a custom button at the Product Item page, so that user can click a button to generate a pdf page to print.


Below is my code:


<apex:page renderAs="pdf" standardController="Product_Item__c">


//I want to display the Product.Product_name__c value here // 

// I dont know the syntax //


<apex:outputText value="{!Product_Item_Name__c}" styleClass="productName"/>





Please help ! thks


To solve your proble most ouick way is to use extenction

It means you have to write a apex class & use it in u page





public class YouNewApexClass


public Product_item ProductItemObj{get;set;}

public YouNewApexClass (ApexPages.StandardController stdController)


  ProductItemObj = [select id,name,ProductLookUpfiledname__c, from ProductItemObj where id =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];




<apex:page renderAs="pdf" standardController="Product_Item__c" extenction="YouNewApexClass">

<apex:outputText value="{!}"/> / this will show the related product name on page





Thank you for your reply.. Beside writing Apex class, is there any other way to work around ?


How about in Product_item object create a custom formula field called "Product Name" and use some look up function to populate this field based on the Master - Child relationship ?


I know this is not as elegant as writing Apex class, but i can live with it as I do not have resources and know how to write, test scripts.


Please advise


Hi Yes you can use the formula field but in that case if you need any other detail from product you need to make that mush number of formula fields


u can use {!ProductlookUpfield__r.Name} t fatch the name on formual field & then can use the formula field on PDF




Pardon me. I don't understand...are you saying, in my product_item object I can create a formula field (text) and insert 




I tried, but I have an error saying Product__r doesn't exists.


When you say,  {!ProductlookUpfield__r.Name}, do you mean Productlookupfield is my Product object ?






I got it finally. I should use Product_Item__r.Product_Name__c in the new formula field  !!


thks so much !



o my mistake i mention " {! } " Mager field sing  , In formula we do not need marge fields