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Jquery Dialog Issue

hi, I was trying jquery dialog box in visual force page and was seeing some issue when the dialog box is displayed.


  1. When the dialog box is displayed i see the close button ('x' mark) not in sync with the image
  2. I see a border for the email link, when I havent specified one.
  3. When i click on email link in the dialog box, it uhides the 'test' div but the page is reloading and its taking me away.It should unhide and leave me on the same dialog box.

please look at it and let me know if i am doing anything wrong


<apex:page showheader="false" standardController="Account" recordsetVar="accounts" showHeader="true">
<apex:form >
<apex:includeScript value="//" />
<apex:includeScript value="//" />
<apex:stylesheet value="//"/>
<apex:stylesheet value="//"/>

.accountLink { color: blue; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;text-decoration:underline;font-style:italic; }

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
title: "Choose Activity ",
autoOpen: false,
resizable: false,


function showDialog(){


function showalert(){



<a href="" class="accountLink" onclick="showDialog()">Activity</a>
<div id="dialog" >
<apex:outputPanel >
This is the content that will be displayed in the dialog box.
<apex:outputLink value="" onclick="showalert()">Email</apex:outputLink>
<div id="test">