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Embed VF page into custom object detail page
Hi all,
I have the following VF page:
<apex:page controller="CheckAvailController"> <apex:sectionHeader title="Check Availabilities"/> <apex:pageblock > <apex:form > <apex:outputLabel value="From: " for="fromDate"/><apex:inputField id="fromDate" value="{!availFrom.Date__c}" /> <apex:outputLabel value="To: " for="toDate"/><apex:inputField id="toDate" value="{!availTo.Date__c}" /> <apex:commandButton action="{!search}" value="Search" /> </apex:form> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!availabilities}" var="avail"> <apex:column value="{!avail}" /> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:pageblock> </apex:page>
And I want to embed this into the details page of the custom Reservation__c object, can't seem to find a way to do it. I tried changing the apex:page tag into:
<apex:page controller="Reservation__c" extensions="CheckAvailController">
But it doesn't accept Reservation__c as controller.
What am I missing?
You need to use the standard controller to be able to embed into a record view page. Your page element needs to be:
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You need to use the standard controller to be able to embed into a record view page. Your page element needs to be: