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Karsten OhmeKarsten Ohme 

SfdcCore.js "Sfdc" is undefinied problem IE9

Hi all,


I get the following in IE 9 when visting a page (here the login page)

SCRIPT16385: Not implemented

SfdcCore.js, line 71 character 160
SCRIPT5009: "Sfdc" is undefinied
VFState.js, line 1 character 1
SCRIPT5009: "Sfdc" is undefinied

The affect of this is an error in the console, the login does not work and also the login valaidation is not working. I have to swithc to the compatibility mode. Then it is working.  If you don't know of a fix how can I enable the compatibility mode? Placing a meta tag into the header does not work, because it is rendered too late (IE 9 reports HTML1115 error).


See also


