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VF section on pagelayout should load asynchronously.
I have placed a vf section on a page layout. the VF page does some processing and calls some service web services in the controller constructor, because of which it is making the page load really slow.
I believe according to salesforce page layout framework vf sections load synchronously.
Is there a way I can bring the page layout first and then have the vf page loaded asynchonously?
Its lil tricky but works well.
Do this.
1.Create A actionfunction and relate your webservice method to this action function,
<apex:actionFunction name="asyncFunction" action="{!myControllerActionFunct}" rerender="myWebservicePB"/>
2. Now near the end of your page add a script tag and call this action function
This wont block ur page loading will allow you to call ur webservice asynchronously using js