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Generate PDF Form from HTML/Visualforce

I am trying to generate a PDF Form(including input fields) from the with the body of a visualforce page. I realise salesforce don't support this but does anyone have any suggestions for a 3rd party/app-exchange app that will let me generate a PDF form from HTML/Visual force.


The visualforce page's content changes alot based on the client's data thus some input fields would appear for some clients but not for others thus I can't use a static pdf form with the fields already embedded. Note I am NOT trying to populate a PDF form I am trying to generate a PDF form. I can already generate a PDF using the renderAs functionality, I just can't include input fields.


I've had a look at a number of services on the app exchange but they are all about merging a PDF Form or generating one manually from within salesforce using the UI.


Any help would be much appreciated.






Just create another page for PDF and write all input fields as merge fields in <div> tags.

For example:

On Input page : <apex:inputText value="{!con.address}"/>
On PDF page: <div>{!con.address}</div>

For checkbox/radio buttons it will display TRUE or FALSE or the radio button itemvalue.

I had worked on a similar requirement and it worked fine.


Thanks for the response.


Good suggestion but  we want to send the PDF forms out from salesforce to be filled in by clients which is why I need a PDF form for input collection. 


Thanks again.


Kiran  KurellaKiran Kurella
You can create a new Sites page with all required input fields, email the client with a link to the sites page. You can generate the pdf on the fly, once they fill in all the information and submit the VF page.

Another great suggestion but the the client doesn't want to open our instance to "public" access. Their industry is very regulated and I would suggest such a a significant change may "scare" some of the asset owners and require a lot of red tape to get it done.


The frustrating thing isI really only need to build the pdf form to collect the user's input. I don't want to merge their data into the pdf at a later stage and the data will manually be entered into salesforce. The pdf form needs to cover a number of very different scenarios, hence the dynamic nature.


I appreciate I'm not making it easy. I suspect this won't happen but I was hoping someone had used something on the App Exchange or elsewhere that would support PDF form generation in salesforce.


Thanks CodeWizard.

