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VF Page - Prevent Record Deletion Based on Field Value
I'm struggling to create a VF page that can prevent a delete based on a conditional, in this case prevent a Custom Object Record Delete of a the Custom Child Object: "Solution__c", only if the formula field "Delete" equals value B and not when it equals value A.
Here is the code I have up until now which works to prevent deletions for everyone except Sys Admins. However I would like to know how I could extend/change this code to allow the VF page to prevent deletions based on a field value instead of a global variable like the one for Profile as this is just a temporary measure:
<apex:page standardController="Solution__c" action="{!if($Profile.Name != 'System Administrator', null, urlFor($Action.Solution__c.Delete, $, [retURL='/006'], true) ) }"> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:PageMessage summary="You are not allowed to delete Solutions if the related Opportunity has been set to the status Handover, Closed Lost or Closed Won" severity="Warning" strength="3"/> <apex:pageMessages /> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>
All help is appreciatted
Thanks and Kind Regards,
You can use the window.onload java script to prevent the deletion with record field condition:
<apex:page standardController="Account" >
<script src="/soap/ajax/20.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
function doThings() {
sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
var typeVal = '{!Account.Type}';
if( typeVal != 'Prospect'){
var records = '{!Account.Id}';
var delResult = sforce.connection.deleteIds([records]);
if(delResult[0].getBoolean("success")) {
alert("account with id " + records + " deleted");
} else {
alert("failed to delete account " + records);
window.parent.location.href = '/006';
window.onload = doThings;
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:PageMessage summary="You are not allowed to delete Solutions if the related Opportunity has been set to the status Handover, Closed Lost or Closed Won" severity="Warning" strength="3"/>
<apex:pageMessages />
Please let me know if u have any problem on same and if this post helps u please give KUDOS by click on star at left.