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Save Button's Method in Child Page which when clicked, Saves n redirects to Parent Object's detail.


Am new to salesforce, I had customized my org with my requirements, But am facing some problem:


I have a Custom JunctionObject__c  which has 2 fileds

1. CustomField1__c master-detail relation to CustomObject1__c and Similarly  

2. CustomField2__c master-detail relation to CustomObject2__c. 


I had Customized the new edit page to VF1 n used StandardController=”JunctionObject__c ” Extension="testController"

And overriden the "New" button of JunctionObject__c  to VF1.


So when we go from CustomObject1__c (PARENT) record we can see the related block JunctionObject__c , NOW when I click the "NEW" button the VF! appears Good. and I insert the data and click Save Button am going to detail page of JunctionObject__c,

But I need to be redirected to the CustomObject1__c detail page of that id. 

Here's below is the VF1 page :

<apex:page standardController="JunctionObject__c" extensions="TestController">
<apex:form id="myForm">  
 <apex:pageBlock title="JunctionObject Edit" mode="edit">
   <Apex:pageBlockButtons >
    <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>   
    <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"/>   
   <apex:pageBlockSection title="JunctionObject Information" columns="1">
     <apex:inputField  value="{!JunctionObject__c.CustomObject1__c}" />  // this helps me in pre-populating the value from Parent. 
    <apex:inputField value="{!JunctionObject__c.CustomObject2__c}" /> 

and Controller i.e. Extension is:

public class testController {

    public JunctionObject__c record;
    ApexPages.StandardController con;

    public testController (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    this.con = Controller; 
    system.debug( con.getRecord() );
        try { 
        this.record = [select id,Name,CustomField1__c,CustomField2__c from JunctionObject__c  where id = :con.getRecord().id limit 1];
        catch( Exception ee) { 
            this.record = new JunctionObject__c (); 

I didn't write any code for save Method, Please suggest me the code for Save Method which saves the object and redirects it to the parent CustomObject1__c.


Please help me in Save Method i.e. Code which saves the object and redirects it to the parent CustomObject1__c.

i.e. a Save button when clicked saves the inputvalues to the JunctionObject and Redirectes straight away to the previous CustomObject1 from where it came.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Arun MKArun MK



Try this code to redirect the page to CustomObject1__c always.


   // Controller

public class testController {


    public JunctionObject__c record;    


    public testController (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

        record = (JunctionObject__c)controller.getRecord();



    public PageReference saveRecord(){


            insert record;


        catch(exception e){

            // handle the exception


        return new PageReference('/'+record.CustomField1__c);




// Visual Force Page


 <apex:commandButton action="{!saveRecord}" value="Save"/>  


Let me know, if this should rediercet to CustomObject2__c when you try to create JunctionObject__c from CustomObject2__c page. Bcoz, that needs a bit of code modification.


