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How to display commandbutton below the which commandlink i clicked

<apex:page controller="accountnames">
 <apex:form >
 <apex:pageBlock >
     <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!alist}" var="a"  >
     <apex:column >
     <apex:commandLink value="{!}"  >    
     <apex:param name="aid" value="{!}" / >
     <apex:commandButton value="SAVE"  />

Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

By reading the post I understood that you just need to display a command button below a command link.

If that is the case the, You could do using HTML break statement between them:

<apex:commandLink value="{!}" /> <br/>
<apex:commandButton value="save"/>

 Note that you cannot enclose a button inside a link.


Hi Rahul, i want the button with in the commandlink , which link i clicked, that link only parialy refresh and display the button.


anu112 wrote:

Hi Rahul, i want the button with in the commandlink , which link i clicked, that link only parialy refresh and display the button.

I need like this output. below snopshort


Save->this is the save button when i click the Account link then save button will enable only this commandlink below

