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edit method in visual force page
hello goup,
i hav a few records in page block table
i placed an edit link (command link) in vf page
<apex:column headerValue="Action">
<apex:commandLink value="Edit" action="{!Edit}" id="edit"/>
my requiremnt is i want to edit a single record
how can achieve this by writing code in controller class
can any one help me to achieve my requiremnt.....
thanks for giving reply in advance
To access the standard edit page basically is just adding "/e" to the end of the detail page URL. For eq "/<record id>/e".
So, if your link is only for redirecting user to the standard edit page, you can use apex:outputLink instead.
Or if you need to use commandlink, then call the edit method of pagereference class in your action method:
More detail on page reference class: