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Visual Force Remoting



  I am using sencha and salesforce to build a mobile SDK. My app was working just fine for my part where I was able to query object from salesforce as well as insert. But after adding my co-worker's code into my project i get an error in the javascript console in my browser and I can longer naviaget to my page but only to his, but then when I go to his pages I can;t query any object. If I add my code to my co-worker it works just fine. Am i forgetting to configure something? The error is below.


  1. Visualforce Remoting Exception: No serializer found for class core.filemanager.FileBlobValue
  2. VFRemote.js:114
    1. $VFRM.Util.errorVFRemote.js:114
    2. (anonymous function)VFRemote.js:129
    3. a.Event.fireVFRemote.js:48
    4. a.Observable.fireEventVFRemote.js:43
    5. _Visualforce.Direct._Visualforce.extend.onProviderDataVFRemote.js:83
    6. a.Event.fireVFRemote.js:48
    7. a.Observable.fireEventVFRemote.js:43
    9. _Visualforce.extend.handleResponseVFRemote.js:72
    10. (anonymous function)
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

VF Remoting do nott support Blob data type.  See VF Remoting docs for supported types.