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problem with apex:actionfunction
Hai all.
i have small problem with apex:actionfunction . i have a requirement to upload a file to amozon server using visualforce page and also creates a record in accountdocument
public class abc
public AccountDocuments queryvalues{get;set;}
public void page2onLoad() {
insert createid; // it creates id in amozon
public PageReference updatingFiledetails()
queryvalues=[select id,Name,Size,Type from AccountDocuments where id=:createid];
queryvalues.Name= Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('one');
queryvalues.Type= same way gets file type from page using javascript to update
queryvalues.Size=same way gets file size from page using javascript to update
update queryvalues;
return null;
Visualforce page:
<input id="fileid" name="file" type="file" onchange="finalfun();"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="page2load1" action="{!page2onLoad}"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="hitMe" action="{!updatingFiledetails}">
<apex:param name="one" value=""/>
function finalfun()
//calling the function to create id
get file details using input file type
//callling the function to update the record using the id
hitMe(value1,value2,value3) // values to pass the controller to update
it is working fine in chromo browser but it is not working some times in firefox which i want it is creating a record in accountdocument with out updating the filename,size and type in the fields .
the function in script hitMe() is some times calling and some times it is not calling
i am unable to find the error in that will you please help me in this solve i am trying this from soo many days
Had a look at your code.
Some observations
Action function seems to be accepting only one parameter
But your code sends 3 params to the function
can you correct this one ?
Hai Avidev
action functiom also accepting three parameters i just not worte in the code which i shown you but i have passed in my real code like
<apex:actionFunction name="hitMe" action="{!updatingFiledetails}">
<apex:param name="one" value=""/>
<apex:param name="two" value=""/>
<apex:param name="three" value=""/>
If you need any help on how actionfunctionworks or how to pass parameters have a look at this example
How about using assign to with apexActionFunction
replace the variable names with your variable name
Make sure you add a rerender attribute to actionFunction that is really important to pass the params