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Dynamic tabs in visual force pages
Hi All,
Last 2 days i am scratching my head to find a solution for generating dynamic tabs in a visual force page from controller class.
Here is the code , this is not optimized i wrote it just for learning.
VF Page:
<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="TopOpportunityController" > <apex:form > <apex:commandButton value="New" action="{!updateNumberOfTabs}" reRender="DynamicTabs"/> <apex:pageBlock id="DynamicTabs" title="Dynamic Tab Demo" > <apex:pageblockSection > <apex:pageBlockSectionItem > <apex:dynamicComponent componentValue="{!tabs}"/> </apex:pageBlockSectionItem> </apex:pageblockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
And the controller for the above code is :
public with sharing class TopOpportunityController { public string str{get;set;} public class caseWrapper { public String Description{get;set;} public String Status{get;set;} } public caseWrapper c{get;set;} List<caseWrapper> caseWrp{get;set;} public static Component.Apex.tabPanel p= new Component.Apex.tabPanel(); public Integer numberofTabs; public TopOpportunityController() { //p = new Component.Apex.tabPanel(); c = new caseWrapper(); numberofTabs =1; caseWrp = new List<caseWrapper>(); /*ADDING ONE TAB BY DEFAULT*/ p.selectedTab='tab'+numberofTabs; tab1 = new; tab1.switchType = 'client'; 'tab'+1; tab1.label= 1+'-Tab'; = 'tab'+1; Component.Apex.CommandButton command = new Component.Apex.CommandButton(); command.value='Save'; command.expressions.action='{!save}'; tab1.childComponents.add(command); Component.Apex.outputText f = new Component.Apex.outputText(); f.value = 'Description'; tab1.childComponents.add(f); Component.Apex.InputText t = new Component.Apex.InputText(); t.expressions.value ='{!c.status}' ; tab1.childComponents.add(t); p.childComponents.add(tab1); caseWrp.add(c); } public void updateNumberOfTabs() { numberofTabs++; caseWrapper c = new caseWrapper(); //p.selectedTab='tab'; tab1 = new; tab1.switchType = 'client'; 'tab'+numberofTabs; tab1.label= numberofTabs+'-Tab'; = 'tab'+numberofTabs; Component.Apex.CommandButton command = new Component.Apex.CommandButton(); command.value='Save'; command.expressions.action='{!save}'; tab1.childComponents.add(command); Component.Apex.outputText f = new Component.Apex.outputText(); f.value = 'Description'; tab1.childComponents.add(f); Component.Apex.InputText t = new Component.Apex.InputText(); t.expressions.value ='{!c.status}' ; tab1.childComponents.add(t); System.debug('------------------>'+p.childComponents); p.childComponents.add(tab1); System.debug('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'+p.childComponents); caseWrp.add(c); } public Component.Apex.tabPanel gettabs() { return p; } public void save(){ System.debug('-------------'+caseWrp); } }
let me expalin a bit here
I am able to display the first tab in the visual force page and when i click on new button the controller should add another tab to the exsting page but not happening. instead it overwriting the existing tab.
The variable p in the controller is declared as static and when i update the variable with another tab, the old values is getting wiped out from it.(i think thats how static variable works, please let me know if i am wrong). Also i tried making it as a transient variable but updating the variable in the update method in the controller says "Attempt to de reference a null object".
Please help me out here. And teach me if my concept of transient and static variables are wrong.
I just wanted to display a new tab when i click on new button, also the field value i am entering in the tab fields i should get inn the controller wrapper class.
Thanks in advance
George Thomas
Thanks for explaining transient and static keywords.
But still i am not sure how can i display the dymanic tab panel in visual force pages. Like i am not able to use Component.Apex.tabPanel with out static or transient keyword, getting serialization exception. If i am using transient or static keyword the previous values are getting destroyed. Is there any other way to escape from these issues.
But, I haven't gotten to the part where I get the data back into the controller. This is more meant as an example.
You can use JqeryUI to create tabs. PFB the link: