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Button to redirect user based on their current page

I'm using two different tabs with the same object for different profiles.  The detail page for Tab A is a standard detail page while Tab B has a cusom VF detail page for the record using apex:detail tags.  The record create pages for Tab A and B are different and are both custom VF pages.  The page layout tab A and B use have a series of buttons that redirect to pages based on Tab A, regardless of which tab I was originally on.  For example, if I click on clone from tab A or B, it will take me to a custom VF page designed for tab A, even though there is a different VF page for tab B.  My question is: is there a way to create one set of buttons on a single page layout that will redirect the users to pages under their respective tabs?  Or could I specify a page layout for the custom detail page using apex tags and then create a separate set of buttons for that page layout?