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How do I submit output text to record?

When the page loads there will be an output text that is generated into an input field. I want that value to be submitted into salesforce. The content loads into the boxes, but it won't submit to the lead record. 


<body onload="XYZ()"> 
    <apex:form > 
    <apex:actionFunction name="lg" action="{!iTEST}" rerender="jsvalues">
    <apex:param name="lt" value="" assignTo="{!valueLt}"/>
        <apex:outputPanel id="jsvalues">
        <apex:outputText value="Value lt:{!valueLt}" /><br/>
         <input type="text" name="{!Lead.Lt__c}" value="{!valueLt}"/>



You can user


<apex:inputHidden value="{!inputValue}" id="theHiddenInput"/>


to make this field available for controller class to insert it into salesforce and user the same field in <outputText></outputText> to let user see it.


Let me know if you have any specific question about it.


Happy to help you!



Digamber Prasad


output Text value your getting from class only Right?

 <apex:outputText value="Value lt:{!valueLt}" /><br/>


valueLt you can save in your Records when Action performs.






So this right here does exactly what I want it to, EXCEPT I get my "authorization restricted" Page when I test as Public User.


<body onload="TEST1()">
<apex:form >
<apex:actionFunction name="TEST2" action="{!TEST3}" rerender="jsvalues">
<apex:param name="lt" value="{!valueLt}" assignTo="{!Lead.Lt__c}"/>
<apex:param name="lg" value="{!valueLt}" assignTo="{!Lead.Lg__c}"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="jsvalues">
<apex:inputText value="{!Lead.Lg__c}"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!Lead.Lt__c}"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!Lead.Company}"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!Lead.LastName}"/>

<apex:commandButton value="save" action="{!save}"/>


If I display  value="{!valueLt}"  on it's own there is no issue. What I am trying to do is to get  "{!valueLt}" into <apex:inputText value="{!Lead.Lg__c}"/> That way when the Public user hits the button It can load into database. 


I have made everything public that I am aware of: site, page, sharing, group, profile, etc.