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<apex:inputField> is blank on the public page

I am 99.9% sure I have set access control correctly. The page displays, but for some reason it will not display/render an <apex:inputField>. Nothing shows up at all. Doesn't throw an error, it just seems to be ignoring any and all <apex:inputField>'s. Any ideas? This is all under a testing dev org. Thank you!

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

you might want to check the following site details> public access settings

1- create and/or edit permission on object

2- Field Level Security on those fields are visible

3- if custom object then object status is Deployed

All Answers


you might want to check the following site details> public access settings

1- create and/or edit permission on object

2- Field Level Security on those fields are visible

3- if custom object then object status is Deployed

This was selected as the best answer

The object wasn't deployed. Thanks!


oh my god you people saved my time alot i was scratching my head with this issue thanks very much.




make sure to leverage the "preview as Admin" feature that we delivered with the summer'10 release. as an Admin if you add the "preview as admin tags" on your error pages then you'll be able to see the exact error message on your site while they are hidden from your your public site visitors.


Sorry to bring this post up again but thank you so much! The object wasn't "deployed". Unbelievable...


In my case, the object is already deployed, the Public Access Settings are set accordingly so the object and fields are readable but still I cannot see any field that Iam listing in the site. This is becoming very frustaring.


Make sure that both the Object Permissions and Field Permissions are set to allow both Read and Edit (Plus View All Modify All under Object Permissions) under Public Access Settings >> Objects and Tabs.

Danny IncompanyDanny Incompany

Very very frutstrating! I have not been able to resolve this. Public profile ok, object permission ok, field level security ok, objects in deployed status.


Anyone knows if this has something to do that I am working on sandbox or is irrelevant?